Client Testimonial

January 1, 1970

Patient Satisfaction and Loyalty

patient satisfaction and loyalty carepayment

It helps people to pay their bill, and it helps Day Kimball to pay themselves. It’s a win-win for everybody.

Client Testimonial

January 1, 1970

Client Testimonial: The Right Partner

My staff is very happy to work with CarePayment, and most importantly, our patients are very pleased they have an alternative…

Provider Story

January 1, 1970

Day Kimball Provider Story

day kimball provider story

At Day Kimball we want to make sure patients have every opportunity to seek out the services they need and be able to pay for them at the same time.

Provider Story

January 1, 1970

Beacon Health Provider Story

At Beacon Health once patients learn we’re truly there to help them and that CarePayment is there to help them, they don’t have to give up much needed healthcare.